For the purpose of having the project objectives heard by public as widely as possible and thus creating an effective multiplier effect and increasing the interest to the project even further, a project-specific communication strategy was developed.
200 copies of Training Kits were prepared. These will include key information particularly on Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW, approved by Turkey on the year 1985), and on the European Social Charter, Children Rights Convention, conventions, decree and recommendations from organisations such as ILO, OECD and OSCE, Cairo Worl Population and Development Conference Action Plan, the 4th World Women’s Conference Action Plan and the Beijing Declaration. These information shall be adapted to the level of the target group. Human rights conceptualisation in the EU and Turkey, the status quo on the issue of Human Rights in Turkey, along with data on the observations and violations in these fields shall be included. These information shall pave the way for raising the awareness on the education of sustainable and innovative democratic citizenship and human rights. In addition to these information, as one of the most important issues for a Turkey stepping on the path for membership to EU is correct information; key information that will answer questions such as "How will the membership process develop, what kind of responsibilities and opportunities will EU membership bring unto Turkey? How will our lives change? How does the European Union function, what are its policies? What are the financial support programmes of the European Union? How to benefit from such?" was included.
Within the context of the Project for Protecting and Developing the Human Rights of Women and Girls, training seminars on the subject of Human Rights of Women were realised. It is a known fact that effective protection and activation of human rights depends not only on the law and national/international protection mechanisms but also on the spreading information and awareness on human rights, embracing of such tights and the people demanding behaviour in line with these rights of theirs. Towards the realisation of this, providing training seminars to enable people to know of such rights of theirs, to develop the awareness on why these rights needed to be protected, to will towards protecting them and to know what is to be protected in which manner, is of crucial importance.
Within the context of the Project for Protecting and Developing the Human Rights of Women and Girls, training seminars on the subject of Human Rights of Women were realised. Training seminars shall be realised in a total of 4 groups consisting of 25 people at Sis Hotel in Ayder Plateau. A total of 100 people attended this seminar. Each group shall be accommodated in the hotel for 2 full days (2 nights), and received 8-hour per day intensive training.
An informative meeting was conducted at the beginning of each training programme.
Through the workshop study that aimed for raising the awareness in the target site regarding human rights and democratisation issues, providing a bilateral information and experience exchange platform where people may discuss rights-based approaches and advocacy fields, and contributing to monitoring of any issues or developments in this field, it was aimed that the participants gain a wider and qualified perspective and practical information:
Information and attitude measurement and assessment tests were applied to the participants at the beginning and at the end of the training seminar and workshop study for the purpose of determining whether or not the seminar and the workshop achieved their purposes.
Project assessment meetings were organised. Through brainstorming in these assessment meetings, representatives from regional non-governmental organisations dealing in the field of women, public institutions and organisations and the project target group reviewed the subjects of how to act towards development of the human rights of women and girls may be developed under the roof of the Kırsal Bölgelerdeki Kadın Hareketi Derneği (Movement of Women in Rural Areas Association) and how to work in the site after the official ending of the project, within the framework of an action plan and process proposals.
A consultancy council was established, bringing together NGOs dealing in the field of women and local stakeholders, under the body of the Kırsal Bölgelerdeki Kadın Hareketi Derneği (Movement of Women in Rural Areas Association) in line with the processes and cooperative structure proposals developed in the assessment meeting.