Accurate and applicable plans are required for providing sustainable use of the natural resources inside Kaçkar Mountains National Park. However, to that end, it is initially necessary to reveal these natural resources, the adverse conditions that threaten such resources and then the resolutions to these problems. Applicability of all plans may be possible only through ensuring that the local populace and the administrators have adequate knowledge on the value of the regional resources and their preservation. Therefore, the prioritised reason of study for the project comprises of the training/informing the parties and the interest lobbies that play active roles in the utilisation of the region.
The proposed project site lies within the borders of Rize Province’s Ardeşen and Çamlıhemşin districts inside the Eastern Black Sea Section of Black Sea Region at the northern part of Turkey. Fırtına Stream Basin begins at Black Sea coastal line, separating into several branches towards interior regions (Durak, Hemşin, Hala, Polovit Streams) and stretching up to the northern slopes of Kaçkar Mountains, covering also Kaçkar Mountains National Park.
Kaçkar Mountains National Park was announced to be established on the 31st of August 1994. Its northern border lies at 16 km distance from Çamlıhemşin district centre. While Palovit Stream and Ayder Plateau draws the northern border of the National Park, Olgunlar Village draws the eastern border of the Park. Within these borders, Kaçkar Mountains National Park covers an area of 51,550 hectares.
According to a study conducted on project site, the site houses 30 mammal and 116 endemic plant species. The number of bird species observed within the field of study happened to be 136. 3 of these species are listed under endangered species list according to CITES and Red Data Book, and 10 species are listed under Appendix II (Strictly Protected Species) of Bern Convention. 92 bird species are contained in Appendix II of Bern Convention, while 6 species are listed under A1,2 and 14 under A2 endangerment category according to Red Data Book. According to Red Data Book; 12 of the 116 endemic plant species defined in the site belongs under EN and 19 under VU endangerment categories.