What Wıll We Do?

  • After signing the Project Agreement, an effective project management and coordination unit shall be created. The project team shall be consisted of specialists in their field and experts who have worked in the project management before.
  • A communication strategy for the project shall be developed for being conducted of the project, and in order that the project influences the local and national in public opinion and increase the interest. As a part of this project, the brochures and posters shall be prepared as Turkish and German.
  • Before the training and informing seminars which are the most important activities of the projection, the training sets shall be prepared. After preparing the training sets, seminars related to the raining shall be conducted. A good following and assessment mechanism shall be created to determine basic needs of the project target group and accordingly develop activities in the training seminars of the project.
  • Eco-society Network shall be created for Women and Environment.
  • An international workshop themed "Youth" shall be carried out in Turkey.
  • The participants shall mutually conduct business visit in Germany and Turkey.
  • The Project results shall be reported and the future plan shall be made for sustainability of the Project
  • An international conference themed "Gender Equality and Environment" shall be held.