What Has Been Done

A project-specific communication strategy has been developed for the purpose of effective implementation of the project, making impact upon local and national public, and further increase of the interest towards the project. As a part of this strategy, brochures and posters in German, Latvian and Turkish languages.

Education kits have been prepared prior to the training and information seminars, which comprise the most important activity of the project. Following the preparation of the education kits, training seminars have been organised. In these training seminars of the project, a sound monitoring and assessment mechanism has been created for determining the fundamental needs of the project’s target group and developing activities in this perspective.

An international workshop with Latvian, German and Turkish participants has been organised on the subject of youth. This workshop has covered 3 full days.

 Please click for downloading the programme of the study we conducted at Ayder Plateau. 

 Please click for downloading the report of the study we conducted at Ayder Plateau

 Please click for watching the video of the study: first video, second video, third video, fourth video, fifth video

Round table meeting and study visits have been conducted in Germany and Latvia together with Turkish participants.

A total of 52 people have participated in the study that we conducted in Riga, capital of Latvia. 5 NGO representative from Germany and 7 NGO representative from Turkey attended this study. This mentioned study covered 3 full days.

 Please click for downloading the programme of the study we conducted in Riga.

 Please click for downloading the report of the study we conducted in Riga.

 Please click for watching the video of the study: first video, second video, third video, fourth video, fifth video

A total of 40 people have participated the study we conducted in Berlin, capital of Germany. 5 NGO representative from Latvia and 7 NGO representative from Turkey attended this study. This mentioned study covered 3 full days.

 Please click for downloading the programme of the study we conducted in Berlin.

 Please click for downloading the report of the study we conducted in Berlin.

 Please click ​​for downloading the presentation that the project coordinator Mr. Yaşar Yeğen made. 

 Please click for watching the video of the study.

 Please click for watching the video of the study: first video, second videothird video, fourth video, fifth video

Finally, project closing meeting have been realised in Berlin and Riga.